Lea Valley Air Gun Club

L.V. Rifle HFT Competition Rules

These rules shall be in force at all rounds of the clubs Rifle HFT competition, and any other event hosted by the club unless otherwise stated. If you are intending to take part in a shoot at Lea Valley Air Gun Club, then you should familiarize yourself with these rules as they may differ from those used by other clubs and organizations.

Competition and course rules will follow those posted by UKHFT as close as possible but please remember that the competition is meant to be enjoyed and, slight infringements may occur. Please do not give our course setters too much grief they are very difficult to find.

To compete, you MUST attend the safety briefing at every shoot.

3rd Saturday of every month


  • Sign in from 9:00
  • Briefing 09:45
  • Start 10:00

Results/Awards – Results and card draw, four £5.00’s must be “in it to win it” Number of card draws depends on number of competitors – Tied scores will be decided by countback.  
Please return cards to Competition Secretary promptly.  

Entry– Free to all members and visitors. (Visitors must pay grounds guest fees)

Competition categories

  • Juniors : Aged 16 and under, Juniors may elect to shoot in other sections except Veterans.
  • Open : PCP, and Non-recoiling rifles including CO2 and recoilless rifles e.g. TX200SR
  • Recoiling : Piston powered rifles (excludes semi recoiling rifles).
  • .22” : Includes both recoiling or PCP.
  • Veterans : Aged 60 and over.
  • Sticks : Mono, bipod or tripod.

Any rifle may be used as long as the power does not exceed 12 ft/lb and may be subjected to random chronograph testing.

If the gun is discharged in your turn, with or without a pellet in it, the shot has been taken.
“I forgot to load it” or “I dropped the pellet” is Zero scored.
If you want to dry fire or clear the gun, tell your shooting buddy and fire the gun safely into the ground in front of the firing line (Do not fire a recoiling gun without a pellet in the breech, it could ruin the gun)

Shooting starts with two blasts on the whistle or horn. 
Cease fire single blast on the whistle or horn.

  • Empty the gun safely into the ground in front of the firing line.
  • Put the gun down safely.  Do not hold the gun in a shooting position or look through the scope during a ceasefire.
  • During a ceasefire people will cross the firing line to check or repair targets.
  • Two blasts on the whistle or horn to restart.

Safety first, if in doubt, assume there is a ceasefire until you are certain. 
Never point a gun at anyone.  Hold the gun pointing downwards.  Do not stand with the gun muzzle rested on your foot (incredible but it happens!).

Numbered firing points or ‘Pegs’ will be used to mark each shooting position and will consist of a wood post/peg to signify the shooting position but, may on occasions be attached to an object.
At the time the shot is taken some part of the shooter or gun must be in contact with the firing point and the trigger finger must be behind the firing line, denoted by a rope or barrier. 
Always shoot the targets in ascending number order.

All are eligible for entry into the clubs six monthly league competition you must complete four comps to qualify.


  • January-June
  • July-December

Top four scores from all scores based on highest competitors score of the day in each section. Ties will be decided using scores from other rounds.

Rev. DJM/ANJM 06-24/12/2024